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16/11/2023Meta created a new guide for the Lead Gen Ad Option. With the recent conversation switching to messaging apps, and DMs providing more direct, responsive engagement, it is a create opportunity for brands and companies to connect with their customers via lead gen ads in order to drive direct connection from their promotions.
Meta has published a new lead gen ads guide, which covers all of these options and tools, and highlights where each may fit in your strategic plan. Below we will have a closer look at some of the highlights of this new guide to see how it works.
The New Guide provides an overview of Meta’s various lead gen promotion options, which facilitate a more direct connection with the audience.
Further, the new guide provides also performance insights on each, along with keynotes in implementation.
Also, there’s available a full overview of how to set up each for optimal response.
Meta’s new guide covers all lead gen options in detail, and it is worth it to keep handy for your next campaign planning and also, to consider your lead generation options.
Meta, especially in India has seen an increased momentum in its lead-gen ad products, WhatsApp for example, its now a key connective tool for over a third of the population. Definitely, in its most recent earnings report, Meta reported that revenue generated by its Click-to-Message ads in India has doubled year-over-year.
Recently, more and more people are switching to messaging apps to interact with others, rather than posting publicly in their feeds across multiple platforms such as Instagram.
Meta’s new guide it is worth it, as it can help you consider how these options could help you improve your ad outreach leading into the holiday push.
You can download Meta’s full lead gen ad guide here
Find more information here: http://bit.ly/2BPQn38
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