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28/11/2022Regardless of how you landed on the page, through ads or links, or social media, landing pages are the first thing a customer will see. Landing pages play a crucial part in driving your conversions and helping meet your sales goals. Good landing pages have certain qualities, with a clear objective, USP, benefits, and singularity they can ensure to help any brand improve their conversion rates.
Below we will have a look at the 5 best practices when designing your landing pages, that actually convert and produce the results you expect. These best practices are a set of tried and tested rules that have produced excellent results for marketing professionals over time.
You need to create a clear and concise landing page that can guide visitors to complete the action you want them to. Content is very important as it will speak directly to the visitor and make them feel engaged with your campaign. Focus on the headline and the images you are going to use, and make visitors want to read and learn more. Describe the benefits of your product or service to catch their attention.
Benefit-Focused Headline
To avoid visitors to bounce off your page, make sure to make it clear what’s in it for them within seconds. You need to communicate the value of your landing page and offer.
Include the Lead Form Above the Fold
Make your lead form accessible, and show your offer right away, design your form to scroll with the user as they move down the page, you don’t want them to keep searching and scanning your landing page to find your offer.
One of the most important elements of your landing page design is Call-to-action (CTA) it’s one of the elements that encourage conversion. The CTA button needs to stand out. You should use a color that contrasts with other elements on the page. Be as much clear as possible to show what you want the visitor to do with your page and how to take action an example of it should be buttons like “submit” or “enter now”. you have to make sure that it stands out.
Images are the first thing visitors will see, and people process visuals quicker than they do text, which is the whole experience. Your images should be coherent and relevant to your business or brand. For example, if you sell headphones, you’ll want your images to have someone listening to music while at home or on the bus, etc.
The above landing page tips will help you get started on crafting the perfect landing page design that will hook visitors in and have them stay. Always focus to be genuine in your content, and also be engaging. Think about how if you were a customer, what would interest you the most about the landing page you just landed. Landing pages are the hook to your website, and the beginning of reeling in better conversions and sales so make sure to make it look perfect.
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